Monday, December 24, 2007

When will I reach Enlightenment ?

Long ago a student worked diligently every hour of everyday to practice the teachings of his guru. The student was very sincere and would strictly observe the precepts of being a disciple. He would wake up every day at 3 to begin his prayers. At 6 he would clean and cook and by 9 be immersed in prayers once again. It was a total commitment, long and difficult. One day, he approached the guru and asked,"Dear Guru, I work very hard everyday, so I want to know when I will reach the goal of all goals, enlightenment?"

And the Guru replied:

when, oh when they all have asked
is it now or will it be then ?

when scattered memories of a belt ricocheting off of you at 5 and the pain so great that you could not even cry , not remembering why your father loved you in such a way. "was this the way all fathers loved their sons," you often wonder...

when at times the thoughts of the burning house is all the memory you have of your mother
as the scent of charred wood rises through your nostrils is all that you remember. "was this the way all mothers showed they cared?," you would ask....

when you saw your wife at a distance behind covered bushes in the heated embrace of another man not knowing when his body ended and hers began... "was this the woman I sought all my life..", you thought..

when one day your thoughts leads you back to your father and the memory of the brown leather belt soon fades as the scent of charred wood turns into lavender that your mother would rub upon you as a child and the utter pain of your broken heart is exceeded only by the compassion you feel for all those around you....

when you don't have obsession
when you lose all doubt
when fear disappears
when you break society's rules
when you disappoint the expectations others have placed upon you
when you can open you heart to all those you have trespassed against you

what more to enlightenment is there ?

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